(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
(Tupec, 24/3/1925 - Prague, 7/9/2014)
Chairman - State Bank of Czechoslovakia (1971-1981)He was the main defender of a cautions credit policy of Czechoslovakia, his opinions were highly respected within the Federal Government.
He was the highest ranking official of the federal governement, a moderate communist, technocrat, well educated and able to estabilish friendly personal relations with West European partners. |
He was an erudated economist, closely connected to the inter-war Czechoslovak economist and a great asset in the knowledge of monetary and financial policy. |
He was the architect of the normalization regime and supported the economic cooperation with West European countries. |
He continued the policies of his predecessor Svatopluk Potáč and maintained the cautious foreign loan policy of the central bank |
He was an educated economist, brought to this position by Lubomír Štrougal, he supported the idea of a balanced budget with limited foreign loans. |
Zpráva k návrhu prováděcího státního plánu rozvoje národního hospodářství na rok 1983
AČNB, f. | Investice/KGMF/KSČ/Kovy drahé 1982
Report about the national economic development mentioning problems in the balance of foreign trade and foreign debts. - Available here |
Handakte Dieter Schmölling vom Büro des Präsidenten (Dr. Emminger) Enthält: Besuch des Präsidenten bei der tschechoslowakischen Zentralbank (Státní Banka Československá), April 1978
HA BBK, B330 | 10496/2
Information about the visit of the Czechoslovak central bank (Státní Banka Československá) on 17 April 1978. - Available here |