(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
(Krynica-Zdrój, 26/6/1932 - , 8/2/1996)
Undersecretary of State - Ministry of Finance (1969-1973)While at banks and in the Ministry of Finance, Krzak actively participated in raising credits and negotiated their terms with Western banks. He also prepared reports on Poland's financial situation. These documents occasionally were debated by the government.
Minutes from government meeting
AAN, URM 290, 5.4/71 | p.1-164, RM032-4-74
Dispute between Piotr Jaroszewicz and Stefan Jędrychowski. - Available only in the archives https://www.aan.gov.pl |
Report: Zasady polityki kredytowej w zakresie obrotw płatniczych z zagranicą w latach 1972-1975 [Principles of credit policy 1972-1975]
AAN, KC PZPR 1354, V/93 | p.865/977-880/997, p.1-13 and appendix
Report encouraging to take advantage of foreign credits and describing credit opportunities on the West. - Available here. |