(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
(Warsaw , 19/5/1910 - Warsaw, 26/5/1996)
Member - Political Bureau of the Central Committee (1956-1971)In the late 1960s Jędrychowski was one of the closest cooperators of Gomułka. As a Minister of Foreign Affairs, he played a central role for reaching the 1970 Treaty with West Germany. In the 1970s, he initially supported Gierek’s policy and actively participated in improving relations with Western European states. Later as a Minister of Finance, he became a critic of economic strategy. During the government meetings in 1973 and 1974, he regularly opposed further debt-taking. This attitude drove him into the conflict with Piotr Jaroszewicz, the Prime-Minister, which resulted in Jędrychowski's removal from the leadership.
Minutes from government meeting
AAN, URM 290, 5.4/71 | p.1-164, RM032-4-74
Dispute between Piotr Jaroszewicz and Stefan Jędrychowski. - Available only in the archives https://www.aan.gov.pl |