(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
(Kołomyja, 12/1/1924 - Warsaw, 27/2/1997)
Vice Prime Minister - Council of Ministers (1970-1980)Jagielski was of the most influential figures for day-to-day economic policy-making. He regularly participated in the meetings of politburo and government concerning the economic situation. Reportedly, he was responsible for fading out the voices criticising the economic policy.
Report: Wstępne poglądy strony polskiej w sprawy RWPG i krajami RWPG z EWG
AAN, KC PZPR 1354, V/101 | p. 7/12-11/16; Zał. do RW/098/tjn/72/wych., p.1-4
The Politburo accepted the report on Poland's position towards the EEC. - Available here. |
Report: Możliwości i warunki kontynuacji strategii dynamicznego rozwoju Polski w latach 1976-1980 [On the possibility of continuing the strategy of dynamic development of Poland 1977-1980]
AAN, KC PZPR 1354, XIA/486 | p. 1-35
Report proclaiming a critical economic situation and calling for a revision of economic strategy from the early 1970s. - Available here. |