(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
(Pionki, 24/2/1930 - Falls Church (Virginia, US), 21/1/2007)
Regular contributor - International Affairs journal, Polish Institute of International Affairs (-)While in Geneva, Rurarz was responsible for Poland's relations with international economic organisations including GATT, ECE and UNCTAD. As the personal advisor, the Secretary General he prepared a report on economic development of Poland where he advocated a policy of accelerated economic growth and expansion of contacts with the West. Later, when working in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he regularly prepared reports on the EEC and CMEA-EEC talks, in which he criticised the CMEA policy of non-recognition of the EEC. During the debt crisis, he openly advocated allowing foreign investment in Poland and joining the IMF and the WB. After the introduction of the martial law in 1981, he asked for the asylum and emigrated to the US.
Szlachcic was a peculiar figure in the socialist elites of the 1970s. Although his career was strongly linked with the security services, after Gierek's take-over of power he became one of the main supporters of political rapprochement with th... |
Already, as the Minister of Foreign Trade in the late 1960s, Trepczyński regularly stressed the challenge of the EEC during the Party debates. Active in economic policy-making in the early 1970s. Among the socialist elites, he was considered a... |
As the director of the Foreign Department of the PUWP Central Committee, Frelek played an active role in building political ties with the West and defining Poland's foreign policy. He regularly participated in the politburo and government meet... |
Report: Koncepcje Rozwoju Gospodarczego Polski w latach 1971-1995 [Concepts of economic development of Poland 1971-1995]
AAN, KC PZPR 1354, XIA/1172 | p. 3-57
Report advocating the policy of accelerated economic growth prepared for Edward Gierek. - Available only in the archives https://www.aan.gov.pl |
Report: Stanowisko Polski wobec projektu porozumienia RWPG-EWG [Polish attitude towards CMEA-EEC agreement]
AMSZ, Dep. IV, 1/83, w.17 | DSiP.og.90/11-77
Report discussing the possible strategies of dealing with the EEC. - Available only in the archives https://archiwum.msz.gov.pl/ |