(Grant Agreement n. 669194)
Romania’s position towards the West and the European Economic Community (EEC) corresponded to the party’s directives and objectives. According to the Constitution, the party was the leading force in the state and the whole society, and entitled to guide the activity of all local and central state institutions. Formally, the Great National Assembly (the legislature) was the supreme body of state power, but at the same time all the state institutions were legally placed under the party’s leadership. In theory, the party congress was the organ called on to establish the party’s general line in all fundamental problems of domestic and foreign policy, while the Central Committee led the party’s activity between the sessions of the congress. However, the sessions of the party’s Central Committee, the congress and national conferences merely adopted decisions already made by Secretary General Nicolae Ceaușescu with some input from a few of his very close collaborators: members of the Permanent Presidium of the Executive Committee and usually also holding high positions within the state apparatus, such as Ștefan Andrei, Cornel Burtică, Ion Pățan, Gheorghe Rădulescu, Ilie Verdeț and Virgil Trofin. In all matters, however, (Romania’s relations with the EEC included), the final decision belonged to Secretary General Ceaușescu, who could accept, reject or indicate revisions of proposals received from ministries, previously drafted on the basis of projects drawn up by different specialists – economists, diplomats abroad or researchers in research institutes.
*This text summarises some of the research findings of PanEur1970s team member Elena Dragomir, which are published as a chapter in PanEur1970s’ academic edited book. For a link to the e-book, please see Romania’s “Overview” webpage of this map.
Note of proposals regarding the conclusion of arrangements on agricultural products between Romania and the EEC countries
AMAE, Fond 1970, Problem 241/2C52/1970, Common Market, Belgium, p. 2-4 | 5/05.01.1970
Note of proposals regarding the conclusion of arrangements on agricultural products between Romania and the EEC countries. It discusses the examples provided by Hungary and Poland in this regards. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Note of proposals regarding Romania’s strategy in its relations with the Common Market (EEC)
AMAE, Fond 1973, File 4977/1973, p. 106-111 | 0023.333/20.03.1973
Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Study on new forms of Romania’s commercial relations with the countries of the Common Market (EEC)
AMAE, Fond 1974, File 5845/1974, p. 67-202 | 025495/19.06.1974
Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Alexandru Lăzăreanu to Cornel Pacoste (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs) and Constantin Stanciu (Deputy Minister, Ministry of Foreign Trade), telegram
AMAE, Fond 1975, File 5813/1975, p. 3 | 023089/06.02.1975
Reports on the talks between Lăzăreanu and P. T. Iljevic, Ambassador of Yugoslavia at the EEC. The two discussed about the works of the joint Commission Yugoslavia-EEC. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
AMAE, Fond 1977, File 3721/1977, p. 2-4
Note of proposals regarding the opening of the official negotiations between Romania and the EEC in July 1977. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Telegram no 025550/22.12.1978, Iulian Văcărel (Romania's Ambassador in Brussels) to Cornel Burtică (Deputy prime minister) and Ștefan Andrei (Minister of Foreign Affairs) regarding Romania-EEC relations
AMAE, Fond 1978, File 3307, p. 64-69 | 025550/22.12.1978
Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
The implications of the Common Market over the economic exchanges of the Socialist Republic of Romania with the EEC countries and proposals regarding measures to counteract unfavourable effects of this economic grouping
AMAE, Problem 241/ 2C52/1971, Regional Economic Organizations, vol. 2, p. 42-98 | 0131/31.03.1970
Alexandru Lăzăreanu to Cornel Vladu (Director in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Note regarding the proposals of the Romanian Embassy in Rome concerning some problems of the Romanian exports in the Common Market states
AMAE, Problem 241/2C52/1968, Common Market, vol. I, p. 148-155
Gheorghe Cioară (Minister of Foreign Trade) to Ilie Verdeț (First Vicepresident of the Council of Ministers). This note accepts most of Burtică's proposals from 15 June 1968. It takes into consideration the example offered by Poland's technical agreements on agricutural products. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Cornel Burtică to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Telegram
AMAE, Problem 241/2C52/1968, Common Market, vol. I, p. 228-232 | 81296/15.06.1968
Contains proposals regarding Romania's approach to the EEC. It takes into consideration the example offered by Poland's technical agreements on agricutural products. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
The High Level Reunion of the Common Market member countries (The Hague, 1-2 December 1969)
AMAE, Problem 241/2C52/1969, Belgium, p. 125-168 | 11/03875
Drafted on the basis of the information received from various Romanian missions abroad (Brussels, Koln, The Hague, Paris, London etc.). It includes a part on the impact of the EEC's policies on the interests of the third countries. Published in the Bulletine of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (in 50 copies, all) distributed to: the members of the Permanent Presidium of the CC, Manea Mănescu (Vicepresident of the State Council), Ion Pățan (Vicepresident of the Council of Ministers), the Foreign Relations Section of the CC of the RCP (no name provided), Cornel Burtică (Minister of Foreign Trade), the president of the Chamber of Commerce of Romania (no name provided), Radu Constantinescu (Vicepresident of the Guvernmental Commission of Economic and Technical Collaboration and Cooperation), the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and different departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 18 diplomatic missions abroad including (London, Paris, the Hague, Brussels, Koln, Rome, Vienna, Berlin, Moscow, Belgrade, etc.). - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Note: The advantages and disadvantages of a possible conclusion of a commercial agreement between Romania and the EEC
AMAE, Problem 241/2C52/1971, Regional Economic Organizations, vol.2, p. 101-133 | 0161/30.07.1970
Alexandru Lăzăreanu, Ștefan Niță, Andrei Șerban to Corneliu Mănescu (Minister of Foreign Affairs). - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Note regarding the conclusion of the Commercial Agreement between Yugoslavia and EEC
AMAE, Problem 241/2C52/Common Market, Belgium, p. 43-53 | 40028/23.03.1970
It presents in detail the stipulations of the agreement concluded on 19 February 1970 between Yugoslavia and the EEC, the advantages Yugoslavia obtained through this agreement. It makes proposals regarding Romania's export in the EEC countries, based on 'our experience' and the 'experience of Yugoslavia'. The note mentions a list of attachments (the agreement between Yugoslavia and the EEC, the letters, the press communique), which are missing from the file though. - Available only in the Archive: https://www.mae.ro |
Note regarding the participation of the Romanian delegation at the GATT conference (Tokyo, 12-14 September 1973)
ANIC, CC of RCP, Economic Section, File 61/1973, 173-178 | 4136/15.08.1973
Available only in the Archive: http://arhivelenationale.ro |
Note on Romania’s Strategy Regarding the Economic Relations with the Common Market, 26 November 1970
ANIC, CC of RCP, Office, File 24/1971, p. 149-158 | 316/06.03.1971
The Strategy takes into consideration the recommendations and proposals of the Romanian diplomats in Brussels. It was approved by the Permanent Presidium in February 1971 - Available only in the Archive: http://arhivelenationale.ro |
Note regarding the conditions of Romania’s adhering to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank
ANIC, CC of RCP, Office, File 97/1972, p. 12-31 | 2333/20.07.1972
It proposed the beginning of the negotiations for Romania's adhering to the IMF and IBRD. The Note was approved in the meeting of the Permanent Presidium from 21 August 1972. - Available only in the Archive: http://arhivelenationale.ro |
Protocol no 24 of the meeting of the Permanent Presidium from 21 August 1972
ANIC, CC of RCP, Office, File 97/1972, p. 3-7
The Permanent Presidium approved the above proposal regarding the starting of Romania's negotiations to adhere to the IMF and IBRD. Members of the Permanent Presidium participating at the meeting: Nicolae Ceaușescu, Ion Gheorghe Maurer, Manea Mănescu, Gheorghe Rădulescu, Virgil Trofin, Ilie Verdeț. Other people invited to take part in the meeting: Cornel Burtică, Ion Pățan, Corneliu Mănescu, Florea Dumitrescu. - Available only in the Archive: http://arhivelenationale.ro |
Note on the creation of the Party and State Commission regarding the problems of the economic relations between Romania and the Common Market
ANIC, CMEA, Foreign Trade Permanent Commission, I, File 130/1972, p. 186-194 | 026634/06.07.1973
Available only in the Archive: http://arhivelenationale.ro |